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  • Writer's pictureALife with Leen

Abstinence on Holy Week

As a cradle Catholic, I was accustomed to an annual family tradition where we abstained from red meat throughout Holy Week. As a meat lover myself, I was never truly prepared to only consume vegetables and seafood.

However, there are other dishes, as delicious as with meat, that can fill me up even after Holy Week. For those who seems to never be able to properly abstain from meat, here are some of the dishes you can try. Trust me, these allowed me to stay alive through the Fridays during Lent & Holy week.

Disclaimer: I am not a good cook, I even burnt my instant noodles once! These are just a glimpse of what you can prepare in light of the 40 days... or if you ever get tired of eating meat.


Grilled Salmon

Let's start with the easiest to cook! Do not underestimate the power of just 3 key ingredients with 3 seasonings.

What you'll need:

1. Butter

2. Salmon fillet

3. Rosemary herbs

4. Salt, Pepper, Garlic powder

Before all else, we must first marinate the salmon fillet with the seasonings. My mom prefers to use Himalayan salt to season the fish because it is said to consist of minerals. A handful of seasonings for each side of the fillet will suffice. Instead of just sprinkling on it, it is better to rub the seasonings unto the fillet. After leaving it on its own for about 10 minutes, grab your non-stick pan & heat it up. Instead of using oil, we use butter to enhance its taste. As the butter melts, put your Rosemary in before grilling the fillet on the pan. Make sure the side of the fillet is cooked before flipping it around, so the fish is intact!

Yes, I tried to grill it on my own once and the fillet started falling apart & my mom had to rescue it if not I would've had to eat with fillet crumbs.

Fried Vegetable Spring Roll

I love fried stuff, the crunchiness just keeps me going! This recipe is as tasty as it is even with meat added to it, if you ever change your mind. Since this dish is so easy to make, I was able to fry it on my own, but with my mom's eagle eyes on me anyways.

What you'll need:

1. Spring roll wrapper

2. Veggies - Potatoes, long beans, turnips, carrots, etc.

3. Tofu (as the alternative of meat in this case)

4. Salt & Pepper

Before wrapping it all up, the veggies & the tofu has to be cooked first. My mom sautéed all of them after cutting them into small slices. As you sauté, you add the forever-needed salt & pepper. How much? Up to your tastebuds HAHAHA! Once ready & cooled, the wrap begins.

We usually prepare as much rolls before heating up the pan with oil. Since we're dealing with oil this time, ensure that your rolls are dry so you don't end up having war in the kitchen with oil splattering everywhere. As it turns golden brown, flip the roll so it is fried evenly.

To spice up your roll, you'd probably want to prepare a dip for it. I suggest a sweet-vinegar dip. Mom prepares it by putting in a pinch of sugar in a bowl of vinegar, sprinkled with pepper & diced garlic with a few drops of soy sauce. There you have it - a true Filipino dip.

Cheese omelette

Last but not least, the laziest dish I've ever known! If you ever run out of things to eat, the egg is always a lifesaver.

What you'll need:

- Eggs

- Cheddar Cheese, Swiss Cheese, etc.

- Salt & Pepper

- Oil

Don't you know how to make scrambled eggs?? SIKE! I usually beat the eggs before grabbing the pan so I have enough time to season it with Himalayan Salt & ground pepper. Sometimes, I put in garlic powder too, but there's not much of a difference to be honest. Upon beating the heck out of it, we heat the non-stick pan with a little oil. Once it's hot enough, we may now put the beaten eggs. As we hear it sizzle, prepare your cheese (but make sure it's been thawed first) and place it on the eggs. When the cheese melts, you can now fold it & flip 'em! Cook it for awhile more, & you're ready to eat you lazy bum!


Unfortunately, that's all I have for now because I need to sleep. If you have more non-meat dishes, please share it with us! These dishes are really simple because I'm a beginner in the kitchen, but I'm a certified dishwasher with years of household experience!

Disclaimer (AGAIN): I do not own the pictures, they belong to Pinterest & their respective cook websites. They are just for illustration purposes & to make it less wordy so it won't be too boring. The recipes are of my own & my mom's, not following the ones which the pictures belong to. Cheers!


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